
With our Business Design proposition we aim for the sky while keeping our feet on the ground, making digital strategy and innovation clear and concrete. We turn big ideas into testable hypotheses and prototypes. We quickly assess business opportunities and discover new viable business models, comfortably supported by data.


We take a pragmatic approach in Business design that combines elements from e.g. Lean Start-up, Design Thinking and Agile SCRUM. We love all the smart people who published incredible books on these topics, but we're not married to anyone of them. What works for one, may not work the other, so we shape our exact approach and tooling for a tailored fit with the client context.


A human friendly structured approach, avoiding unnecessary jargon and based on evidence instead of hunches.


We know the books and know the ropes. We've been around for 15 years, innovating for ourselves and for others.


Our down-to-earth and pragmatic approach offers real business results instead of reports and recommendations.


Perhaps the biggest challenge in modern business design is to overcome outdated business ideas that evolved in a non-digital world. Digital has changed the rules of the game, and your business design approach should be adjusted accordingly. At the same time the most basic premise hasn't changed: successful business models are built on real customer value. And customers are actually people that you can talk to.